Today’s uniform business needs to tap into one of the top marketing platforms out there: social media. Pew Research states that 65% of Americans over the age of 18 use some form of social media, including Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. By knowing how to use social media to promote your online uniform store, you can tap into this engaged audience.
Social media encompasses a wide variety of platforms—blogs, friend-to-friend posting, photo uploaders, and more. On these sites, the “author” can share a variety of types of content (articles, posts, photos, etc.). When businesses use these sites, the effects can be huge. Social Media Examiner claims that half of businesses who use some kind of social media to market their product or site reported an increase in sales, while 90% claimed an increase in exposure.
However, not all social media platforms are essential or even helpful for uniform sales. If your uniform business is marketed towards law enforcement, for example, a Pinterest account won’t necessarily attract professionals—while LinkedIn may. Focusing on the sites that work specifically with your targeted audience will help you focus your efforts.
You can also use Facebook or LinkedIn to place more traditional advertising. Social media ads are becoming increasingly advanced with precise targeting options that can reach very specific audiences within a relatively small marketing budget. Even a small investment can be beneficial.
Social media should be about the conversation and the engagement. Use your page to create a company culture you can be proud of. Avoid overpromotion; instead, share useful content, post pictures of your customers, and ask your audience questions.
Positivity isn’t always easy, especially on social media where everyone has an opinion and issues can get blown up. But what’s great is that your responses online will and can be seen or followed. Remember that the best customer service happens in a timely fashion, without anger, and with an attempt at a resolution.
Finally, remember that education should always be your top marketing priority. Your customers need to know about your products and services such as the specific products you offer (along with brands), recommendations (along with reasonings), and any promotions or sales that you are offering. For example, post a picture of a scrub top with antimicrobial benefits with reasons why customers love it along with a plug for a coupon worth 10% off. These are the things your customer wants to hear from you.
Using social media to promote your online store can boost sales, increase customer engagement, and increase your brand’s outreach. By following simple tried-and-true social media best practices, you can create a marketing plan that works for your uniform business. For more information about how to promote your uniform business, subscribe to the UniformMarket blog today!