UniformMarket Blog

Pricing by Brand and Other Great New Benefits for Store Owners and Shoppers

Written by Ryan Quinn | Feb 23, 2016 11:02:09 PM

The Sellers Commerce team has released a new version of the platform with some great new functions to improve the online stores for uniform retailers and distributors.

Here are 4 of the top features and improvements:

  1. Pricing by Brands added
  2. Elastic Search Enhancements & Performance Tuning  PART 1
  3. Advanced handling of Out of Stock products
  4. Fixes to the visibility of buttons

Let's take a look at how these benefit store owners and shoppers.

Pricing by Brand

Up until this point the platform has offered the ability to set specific pricing by Supplier, either a percent below or above MSRP or MAP pricing (depending on what the retailer wanted). This has now been set to include pricing increases or decreases at a Brand level allowing for more control over the overall pricing of your store. An example of this would be:

Let's take VF Imagewear as an example of how this might be applied. A store owner can now set each of their great brands to a specific pricing model.

1. Bulwark 10% below MSRP
2. Chef Designs 5% above MSRP
3. Horace Small 5% above MSRP
4. Red Kap 10% below MSRP
5. Wrangler 10% below MSRP

Elastic Search Enhancements & Performance Tuning  (Part 1)

The elastic search improvements are just the first batch in a two part process. For those unfamiliar with elastic search, essentially this is what controls the search functions on the front-end of the site. When a shopper searches for their favorite scrubs or pair of pants this is the feature that returns the results for which products they see. The new enhancements will increase the accuracy of the search results. There is an increased speed to the search functions overall as well. There is more to come in our next sprint in regards to this feature but take out the improved search for a spin and we’re sure you’ll like what you see.

Advanced handling of Out of Stock products

There has been increasing demand for this improvement over the past few months, and we are thrilled to deliver. Simply put “Out of Stock” items will now be detected when the product SKU options are selected by the shopper, and not when the item is added to cart as it was before. If an item is out of stock there will be a text message displayed as soon as the color and size are selected, for example, letting your shoppers know sooner what is in stock. In addition, when a singular option is out of stock it will be greyed out, and the add to cart buttons will be greyed out with a message displayed. If there are no SKUs available at all, in any combination, for a particular product an OUT OF STOCK message will be displayed across the product, immediatelly alerting your shoppers. 

Improvement to the visibility of certain buttons

Sellers Commerce platform users saw that certain buttons within the admin area were hidden until a certain event happened. This led to confusion in certain places so we have now exposed these buttons regardless of actions taken. An example is the Update SKU's Price button which previously required a user to first change the price within the MSRP or MAP fields, and then click outside of those fields. We mention this improvement here to demostrate how the Sellers Commerce user expererience is evolving all the time.



Those are the highlights from our newest release, additional notes are posted at http://www.sellerscommerce.com/releasenotes so please stop over for a look.

Let us know what you think of the latest release. 

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