UniformMarket Blog

Product Comparisons Help Online Shoppers Make Decisions

Written by Uniform Market | Nov 15, 2016 2:07:00 PM

When confronted with similar products, offering a product comparison option on your website can greatly help a shopper find exactly what they are looking for. Enabling a feature like this in your ecommerce store allows buyers to easily see the products they are interested in via a friendly, side-by-side interface. Being able to simultaneously see differences in design, prices, and specs helps customers make more informed decisions that leads to their overall contentment of their choices.  

If you want to increase sales by implementing a product comparison feature into your website, we have a solution for you. Sellers Commerce, the parent company of UniformMarket, created an application that allows a buyer to compare products on an ecommerce shop. Here’s how it works:

  1. On every product page of the website, shoppers have the ability to click the “Add to Compare” link.
  2. Product selections are then added to a widget that displays a preview of all of their products.
  3. When the shopper is ready to compare products, they click on the “Compare” link.
  4. This takes the shopper to a page that displays their chosen products in an easy to view, side-by-side format. Product brands, names, prices, and photos are neatly exhibited in columns. The shopper can then save the page or share the webpage’s link with any other decision makers.

The Sellers Commerce Product Compare feature even goes farther than that! When a product’s technical specifications are really important, the Compare app shares that information with the shopper. This helps in selling devices, equipment, and even uniforms that must meet certain compliance standards.

There are so many different variations of the same type of product out there that some people tend to experience “overchoice” or “decision paralysis” when confronted with too many options, causing them not to buy anything at all. A product comparison tool can help alleviate that stress by narrowing down the options, storing them all in one place, and letting shoppers come back to them later. This allows the customer to select the right product for them at the best rate, leading to overall customer satisfaction.

The Product Compare feature is available as an App on the B2B Retailer Pro platform.