UniformMarket Blog

Savvy SEO: Finding The Right Keywords For Your Store

Written by Uniform Market | Apr 13, 2017 2:17:00 PM

Keywords are the bread and butter of SEO. No matter how compelling your materials are or how many types of media you use, online content won’t do any good if potential customers cannot find it. Success in uniform marketing thus depends on finding the perfect keywords for your gear and incorporating them heavily across your site. Through the following strategies, you can set the stage for effective marketing:

Competition Considerations

One of the simplest ways to identify effective keywords is to look at competitors’ sites and see what terms they use. Go to their sites, open the page source code, and look for a section that says <meta name= “keywords”>; a list of keywords should follow. Take keywords from multiple different sites. Relying on only one competitor will make your site look unoriginal, but by incorporating elements from many sites and putting your own spin on them, you can achieve a unique voice. 

Google Gauging

Looking at your competitors’ sites will tell you what terms they use, but it won’t say which of those keywords is effective. Thus supplement this strategy by using Google’s Keyword Planner tool. On this online platform, you can enter words and phrases that relate to your product and see how often people search for them each month. The platform will also show you how the effectiveness of different keywords varies over time. No matter how you came up with a term, Keyword Planner is essential for determining whether to use it.

Trial & Error Tactics

Keyword Planner and competitors’ sites can tell you what terms have worked in the past, but there may also be terms that other sites simply haven’t thought to use. Many uniform marketers thus come up with original keywords of their own to complement terms from other sources. To see if a new keyword works, use it in one piece of content and then publish another, similar type of content without it. Then assess how the two pieces perform over time. If the piece with the keyword does better than the one without, it’s a keeper.

Store Surmising

In addition to online activity, it is important to gauge how customers are talking about your uniforms in your physical store. Clients often use different words to describe a product when speaking out loud than when typing. Given that a growing number of searches are conducted by voice rather than typed out, listening to what customers say in person is indispensable for keyword identification. The customers who travel to your physical store may also have different online search habits than those who conduct the entire transaction on your website. Listening to speech in your store will make it easier to appeal to this specific subset of customers, and thus take advantage of an often-ignored source of revenue.

Product Description Prudence

Even with original keywords and terms spoken out loud, your pages will still include a number of terms similar to those used by your competitors. To keep the site unique, change the product descriptions so that they are substantially different than those of competitors. This will give customers a reason to click on your site specifically when it comes up in searches.

Taking Care of Tags

Finally, make sure to set the subheads on your site as h2 or h3 tags. Though it is tempting to use h1s, lower tags will perform better in the long run.


As important as keywords are, they’re only the beginning of a successful publicity strategy. For support at every stage of uniform and gear marketing, contact UniformMarket today.