UniformMarket Blog

Why start a uniform business? This answer will surprise you.

Written by Uniform Market | Mar 8, 2016 4:00:00 PM

There are many reasons to start a uniform business. The obvious choice is because you believe you can make money. The next one might be because you see an opportunity to help a community that appears to be missing a local or regional supplier, or has one but you believe you can simply do it better. You can likely think of a dozen other predictable reasons you have heard for an individual getting the entrepreneurial bug and launching a uniform retail store.

But the one you might not predict is this one: "I wanted to spend more time with our grand children."

You read that correctly.

 Diana Robertson had a demanding, high paying corporate job for a major not-for-profit. She left that post in search of an opportunity that would afford her more personal time. Her research for the right lifestyle business led her to the retail medical scrub business. That was 2009 and she has not looked back since.

Curious? In the Spring & Summer 2016 edition of Made To Measure you can learn how Robertson is living her dream and continuing to grow All About Scrubs.

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