UniformMarket Blog

How Uniforms & Gear Make Hazardous Workplaces More Secure

Written by Steven Moreno | Feb 27, 2018 7:56:53 PM

When asked to identify the benefits of professional uniforms and gear, most people would likely answer that they help employees appear professional while establishing a chain of command. Yet the benefits are far more valuable than this, especially in industries that suffer form high rates of accidents and employee injuries. Quality gear helps improve safety on multiple fronts, allowing workers to protect themselves and their colleagues during even the most hazardous activities. Thus as a uniform marketer, it is critical for you to make the safety benefits of your products clear when organizing private accounts for your clients.

The Many Pluses of Professional Uniforms

Uniforms contribute to employee safety in a number of different ways, including:

  • Improved Visibility- In construction, warehousing, and other fields that involve heavy or sharp equipment, it is essential for employees to know each other’s position at all times. Uniforms make it easier to do this. By decking workers out with bright colors, reflective strips, and other features that draw the eye, they ensure that no one can enter a hazardous area without the others noticing. This prevents potentially fatal accidents.
  • Enhanced Mobility- Quality uniforms are designed to restrict employees' movement as little as possible. This way, if an individual needs to quickly reach for a ladder rung or support line, run out of the path of a falling object, or move their arms away from a sharp blade, they can do so at top speed. Flexible uniforms also reduce the risk of slip and fall accidents in the workplace, especially if they involve shoes that have good traction.
  • Secure Connections- Uniforms that are designed for the construction industry often provide places to tie secure lines, which prevent employees from falling if they are working at hazardous heights. This helps you mitigate the dangers of some of the riskiest jobs.
  • Heat, Cold, & Weather Resistance- Many industries require employees to work outdoors or in facilities that are extremely cold or hot. In these conditions, the right gear is necessary to protect employees from extreme temperatures, as well as any harsh weather they encounter on the job.
  • Sun Protection- From truck drivers to construction workers to commercial fishing crews, many employees have to stay out in the sun for long periods of time. In the short run, heavy sunshine can be distracting, making employees less safe. Over the long run, it can also damage their eyes. Hats, sunglasses, and other gear protect workers from these threats.

It’s important to take all these safety benefits into account when designing private portals for your uniform customers. Divide your gear up based on the specific advantages it offers for health and safety, allowing each client to select exactly what they need to counter the unique threats of their field. The easier it is for them to do this, the more they will benefit from giving you their business.


To learn more about creating private uniform accounts, contact UniformMarket today.